Merry Christmas One and All!

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Merry Christmas One and All!

I’m feeling nostalgic as I write this blog this Christmas. It got me thinking about the horsey fts I got for Christmas and that the most cherished ones don’t always have to be our precious Breyers!!

Of course I have many treasured ponies of the Breyer Variety but my first love was a rocking horse called Holly.

When I was 7 or 8 my favourite thing was to go into Leeds for the day and to go to Scofields toy department to look at the beautiful dapple grey rocking horses. They had real horsehair manes and tails and leather tack which could be removed. They had two large ones and a slighter smaller one and I coveted them all! I used to imagine all the adventure and international horse shows that we would take part in.

They were terribly expensive, even back when I was young but Mm father told me up front that he could never afford those but would see what eh could do. I have never been so excited to go down stairs on Christmas morning! There was Holly, just waiting for me to take her for a ride with a Christmas bow on her bridle which I have kept to this day. I rode her so much that day that I got Saddle sore!!!

Scofield department store is now sadly long gone but the happy memories certainly aren’t. I still have Holly to this day and she is as much loved now as she was back then. Certainly one of my best Christmas presents.

Happy holidays from all of us at Hot to Trot Model Horses